Divorce is definitely one of life’s most stressful events – and although most people going through relationship breakdown don’t like thinking too much about it, considering your position and in particular your legal options is really important.
Who Produced These Key Divorce Questions?
Resolution (formerly known as the Solicitors Family Law Association, or SFLA) is something that all the family law team here at Bonallack and Bishop are proud to be members of.
The organisation represents over 6,500 family lawyers in England and Wales. In addition to their purposeful campaigning, Resolution produce some very useful material for the legal profession on a number of aspects of family law.
We understand that no divorce is the same, but a few years back a document produced by Resolution really captured attention of our team – it was a list of questions to help determine the approach you should take when addressing the breakdown of your relationship. Overall, we found the list to very helpful to those contemplating separation, divorce or civil partnership dissolution in starting to think about the wide range of issues they’re going to need to address.
Currently we have not yet restarted our highly successful weekly drop-in surgeries. So, instead we offer FREE first 30 minute video or phone advice for all divorce and family law matters. Call us today.
Here are those 12 key divorce questions
If your relationship has broken down, why not go ahead and answer them for yourself. They may just reveal what it is you will need to consider should you move forward with a divorce and how to deal with the process as a whole. But be aware, that they may make uncomfortable reading for some of you.
1. Do you always prioritise what is best for your children?
2. Are you looking for the legal process to be as simple as possible?
3. Do you like to feel in control of the decisions made about your family’s future?
4. Do you wish to avoid a long and tempestuous legal battle?
5. Do you want to keep the costs of a divorce low and under your control?
6. Do you believe that your relationship is equal in terms of power and decision-making?
7. Are you worried that you may be overawed by a partner’s powerful personality?
8. Do you think you will need professional legal help in order to obtain a fair outcome?
9. Do the financial implications of a divorce and financial aspects of your relationship concern you?
10. Do you see divorce as a means to bring closure to your relationship?
11. Do you wish to play a part in the divorce process or would you prefer someone else to handle it on your behalf?
12. Are your personal and family finances in order, while also being clear enough for a third party to understand?
Going through divorce? Do your homework before choosing a solicitor
Once you’ve looked at those questions and answered them honestly, you’ll be in a much better position to pick the right solicitor. And getting the right legal advice for separating couples at an early stage is often really important.
In particular, you may want to consider the following experience and qualities of any solicitor you consider appointing
- If you have property and assets – make sure your solicitor has plenty of what is known as “ancillary relief” experience. Some junior family lawyers tend to deal with simple divorces without much of a financial element, and others have plenty of experience of legal aid divorce but not so much about dealing with complex pension issues.
Click here to read more about our divorce and financial issues
- Are there any aspects of your divorce requiring specialist advice? whilst no divorce is ever the same, some have particularly tricky elements – and it’s important to have a solicitor on board who really understands that particular area. Among the areas which can prove tricky are divorces involving overseas assets, farms, police or armed forces pensions and ant family-owned business.
Click here to read more about divorce and the family owned business
- Family mediation – if you and your partner are prepared to compromise and work together to find an acceptable solution, then family mediation could be
right for you. We are big fans of this approach to resolving family law problems – that’s why two of our lawyers are also fully trained family mediators. But it doesn’t work for everyone.
Click here to read more about our family mediation service
- Do you really want to turn your marriage or relationship breakdown into a battle – or is your partner going to do so anyway? Whilst we always encourage people to look at solutions rather than fighting a war when approaching divorce or relationship breakdown, there are occasions when you do need tough solicitor to fight your corner. Again make sure you pick the right divorce solicitor for your case.
Getting divorced? We have the answer – call our team now
Don’t suffer in silence – get in touch with our family lawyers today to find out how we can help reduce the stress that follows family breakdown.
Don’t delay – to safeguard your legal position, call our team now
- Just call us on FREEPHONE 0800 1404544 or one of our local office numbers;
SALISBURY 01722 422300
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